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Clinical-Disaster Research Center
The University of Mississippi

Stefan E. Schulenberg


Dr. Schulenberg

Director of the Clinical Disaster Research Center

Dr. Schulenberg is an associate professor of clinical psychology at the University of Mississippi. He graduated with his Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 2001 from the University of South Dakota where he specialized in disaster psychology while studying at the Disaster Mental Health Institute. Dr. Schulenberg is a volunteer with the American Red Cross and has assisted with disaster recovery efforts after a number of disasters. In addition to disaster psychology, Dr. Schulenberg’s research focuses on meaning in life and psychological assessment.

Phone: (662) 915-5189 |

Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., University of South Dakota, 2001
M.A., University of South Dakota, 1998
B.A., University of Houston, 1995

Research Areas:

Meaning/life purpose:

  • Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy/Positive psychology
  • Serious mental illness
  • Conduct disorder (juvenile delinquency)
  • Relationship to physical health problems and health-promoting behaviors
  • Adjunct to cognitive-behavioral interventions

Clinical/Disaster psychology:

  • Disaster response training and effectiveness
  • PTSD

Psychological assessment:

  • Forensic assessment
  • Psychoeducational assessment
  • Test construction and validation

Courses Taught:
PSY 311 – Abnormal psychology
PSY 317 – Tests and measurement
PSY 327 – Psychology and law
PSY 417 – Disasters and mental health
PSY 420 – Special topics (research team)
PSY 610 – Cognitive assessment (graduate)
PSY 611 – Personality assessment (graduate)